Computers in SciFi

In the SciFi branch of Science Fiction computers are seen as less capable, and therefore less likely to replace humans. Full human-machine interfacing is also much harder, and doesn't appear to later technology levels than in an UltraTech campaign.

Computers and AIs

TL 9

The near future sees the development of Turing Personalities. These are expert systems with good natural language ability. They can hold natural conversations on a small range of subjects, but expanding their knowledge base becomes exponentially complex.

They are often used to replace help desks and basic reception tasks. They lack emotion (though can simulate it with voice inflexion), and are unable to cope with new problems outside of those that they have been programmed for.

TL 10

By TL 10 Turing Personalities are improving, and have shrunk to the point where they can be used in phone sized devices.

Large TPs can cope with a bigger range of tasks or at higher skill levels.

TL 11

At this level of technology, Level Zero AI becomes possible. These are capable of coping with unexpected situations, and are often put in charge of the management of ships or defence systems. They are still limited to a small range of tasks, and require a lot of computing power.

They are not as good as a highly skilled human, but can monitor and respond to a much larger amount of information at one time. They generally have a skill level of four.

TL 13

Level One AIs are capable of responding to a wider range of problems, with a greater level of flexibility. They have a limited level of imagination.

TL 15

Level Two AIs, are about as capable as a human, though are not self aware. They do have emotion and imagination.

TL 17

Level Three AIs are considered to be as flexible and capable as humans. They have emotions and imagination, and are considered to be self aware.