====== Release Notes ====== ===== XSLT ==== A list of changes and additions to the XSLT stylesheets are included below. The //Latest// version is the most recent version currently in development, which hasn't yet been released. ==== Latest ==== * Character import can force display of character point cost. * PageXML now allows images to have a max width (won't work in IE). ==== 0.8.4 ==== * Support for block level notes in PDF and HTML. * Basic support for Vehicles in Yags. * Fixed bug where level 5 headings weren't displayed in PDF. * Added align tag to image display in PageXML. * Tables in PageXML now correctly handle complex children. * Equipment lists can include multiple files. * Fixed bug in PDF technique lists to allow trees to span multiple files. ==== 0.8.3 ==== * Armour and weapon properties shared between all rendition types. Added in new properties for modern weapons and armour. ==== 0.8.2 ==== * Now displays firearm specific info in equipment lists. * The reach of melee weapons is displayed on character blocks. ==== 0.8.1 ==== * Better display of character information. * Added option to show/hide point values of character templates etc. Defaults to false, so they are now hidden. ==== 0.8.0 - 14th April 2006 ==== * Support for examples in main body text. * Support for quotes in main body text. * Technique tree now displays techniques with missing prerequisites. * Changed 'Stamina' to be 'Health'. Breaks compatibility. ==== 0.7.0 - 25th March 2006 ==== * Changed 'Charisma' to be 'Empathy'. Breaks compatibility. * Added tags for each attribute, for easier listing of skill rolls. * HTML renditions now support the masked tag for sections. * Summary text in HTML encyclopedia now has excess whitespace stripped. * Support for externally set parameters. ==== 0.6.1 - 22nd Jan 2006 ==== * Fix PDF display of advantages - was ignoring @type attribute. * Fix PDF display of characters - missing techniques and equipment. * Allow limited skills. * Enable import of skills to import multiple skill lists. * Enable skill lists to reference multiple sets of techniques. * Fixed display of armour statistics in brief equipment list. * Removed section numbering from PDFs. This had broken with imported sections, and since HTML doesn't use it, it didn't make a lot of sense to use it for PDF either. * sect1 elements can now import from external files. * Yags skill equations copes with no skill. * Fixed rendering bugs in HTML weapon tables. ==== 0.6.0 - 20th Dec 2005 ==== * In Yags, passions are now traits, so changed the XML for these. * Improved display of advantages to include commas. * Encyclopedia entries now tries for a better summary in the Dublin Core metadata (uses first paragraph). * Standard advantages now list prerequisites and forbiddon advantages. * Other general fixes.